U-Wing Wave 10 StarWars X wing

U-Wing Unboxing

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U-wing Unboxing in this video just below.

What is the U-wing?

The U-wing, is a ship from the newest Movie, in the Star Wars Universe Rogue One, in Rogue One, the U-wing is a troop transporter, that you see the rebels, utilize on the Beach, when coming to help “Rogue One” This is a ship that got its own title, where it can change, wing positions and gain bonus if the wings are pointing backwards or forward.

And you can buy it right here.*

How is the U-wing Dial?

The U-wing Dial is actually Quite Good with only one red maneuver which is the 0, so just like YV666 and The Imperial Shuttle it can hold its ground if it is not stressed. Other than that it has 6 greens which is straight 1 and 2 and bank 1 and 2, so got a fairly good opportunity to get rid of stress from the 0 move, this ship is a bit fast as it can go 4 straight to get fast across the board, it is a large Ship so it will seem very fast, and ofc. With Engine upgrade, you could boost your ship further across.

The downside to this, dial is the possibility to turn, so you will not out run ships, with this dial, it is similar to the Empire Shuttle but this is more agile, as it does not have any reds except for the 0 maneuver.

Is the U-Wing Competitive?

Well I haven’t played it competitive yet, The ship has 3 attack, 1 agility, 4 hull and 4 Shields, but I can see some possibilities, with Cassian Andor or Bodhi Rook, those are both, very good support pilots, one is removing stress, and the other basically makes it easy, to take target lock all over the board, even if your ships are spread and scattered. And if you are going for an elite pilot talent, remember ONLY Cassian Andor is able to take one.

I could see maybe a build like this with Bodhi Rook

Bodhi Rook (25), Sensor Jammer (4), Pivot Wing(0) and Kanan Jarrus(3), which is 32 points worth of support ship, that makes it easier to take target lock.

So maybe consider, it to paired with anything, that can shoot torpedoes or missiles, and then use Kanan, to remove stress from ships around it also. The sensor jammer is just, a good survivability card.

And remember the U-Wing can take Target Lock and Focus which are the standard actions for this ship.

What Is the U-wing weaknesses as I see it?

As I see it the weakness, is ofc the 1 agility defense Die, you can boost that, with the title, but still is a weakness, and I would personally, classify it as a weakness, that this ship is a large ship, ofc it carry quite a big load, of infantry in the movies, but I don’t know about it being a large ship, when we compare it, to ships on small bases that in my opinion should be large ships, like the K wing and the TIE punisher.

If you liked This post you can also see my TIE striker Post right here

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TIE Striker Wave 10 Star wars X wing

Tie striker unboxing

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What is the TIE striker?

The TIE striker is a ship, first seen in the new Rogue One movie, it is another TIE(twin Ion Engine) ship from The Empire, and is a part of wave 10, for the Star Wars: X wing miniature game, and already after the movie, someone would make fun of this ship, because it can actually, flap its wings like a bird, so there was, much fun in that, it was a mini cartoon make for YouTube I think, but nevertheless us X wing players have it as a playable ship in our fleet now that is has arrived to the stores.

So if you live in Denmark, you can buy it at Dragons Lair, Just click the Banner for a direct Link to the TIE striker.*

The TIE Striker Move Dial, is it good?


This is actually a decent dial, it is not a fast ship, you can’t go 4 or 5 forward in the first turn, so this is actually one of The Empire small ships that you actually can slow play with, unless it is a small ship like bombers, but first agile ship you can slow play with, you got all the 1’s which is super great for maneuverability.

You your 2’s all of them which also adds to the TIE striker maneuverability, and bank 3 and straight 3 on top of that.

So your move is quite good to get around corners and ships, combined with the barrel roll you got a nice combination for moving around you could maybe put engine upgrade (insert link here with popup )on the the ship, but that might just be overkill and not so good spend 4 point, all I say is that you could.

Will the TIE Striker be a competitive Ship?

That is a good question and I cannot tell yet, I think someone will field in a tournament, but if it is any good on the tournament scene, I could not say at this point, but I can see some opportunities, in the ship and the maneuverability, and when you field.

You will have 4 attack dices, so maybe combined, with Veteran Instincs, then I think this would do very well with the survivability, and you could take the title Adaptive Ailerons, and do the “free” boost before you move, ofc.  you would have to take that boost, that could be a minor setback in some situations.

I Did see a fun combination when i was playing in Faraos Cigar in Copenhagen, where you would Field a PS 4 TIE Striker  like this

He Then had Echo, and Whisper besides him, always taking Evade, with those 2 and that would, eventually in most cases, give 2 extra attack Dices to this black squadron, it was a fun list to play against.

What is the TIE Striker’s Weakness as I see it?

The weakness of the TIE striker, will in my opinion, be the agility of 2, and only 4 hull, this ship needs to stay out of arc, and really be aware, of where the opponents ships, are hiding, because this ship is fragile out of the box.

But ofc. you can make it stronger, by using some of the very nice upgrade cards out there, as I described before, and that is where, I will say that this ship, need its upgrades to survive, but think someone will try, to field a swarm of these with no special upgrade cards on them.

You could actually field, 5 of them in one squad, even more, if you take a pilot skill, lower than 4, so I am sure that there, will be small swarms of these out there, at least just for fun, and I am sure someone, might go for a crack swarm of these, or maybe even, with a small support ship, by its side who knows, there are some creative people, out there in the x wing community.


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New Years Mansions of Madness

Hi All



Mansions of Madness And a happy new year.

Mansions of Madness new years eve horror gaming, and makes this new years eve, a bit different of what i use to do, well at least some of it was different, we have invited 3 friends over, for some cozyness, and good food, we made Raclette, which is where, you actually cook, your food at the table, a little like Fondue, if you all know that? Well if you dont, all i can say try it, it taste good.



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Lindhardgaming Presents: Where to Get domain names and web hosting.

Hey all

Ever Considered Getting you own webpage ?

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Web-Hosting site, That is what you need, and then you do not have to wait no more, in this post i will explain to you how you get your own domain and getting that domain hosted at a Web-Hosting site, there are various methods and various companies out there which offers different things to your domain.

I will off course again take off from Denmark where i live , to make this about those you primarily can get in Denmark, but i will mention those web hotels i know off outside Denmark also.

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Lindhardgaming Presents: where should i buy PC hardware?

Hi Again,  Lets Talk Hardware

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Lindhardgaming here, with another post , this time I will talk about, where to buy your hardware,  as I am from Denmark myself, i will focus on shops/webshops, around the nordic countries.

So first things first, what should i look for when buying hardware for a new PC or just looking for upgrades, for the old machinery you have at home.
But both versions depends, what is your needs, what you wanna do with the PC, many people just go down, to the local shop say, I want i a new PC, and you might end up with either, paying to much, or too little according, to what your needs for the PC is, and this can be both, on laptop and desktop.


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Lindhardgaming presents: Where to buy your PC games.

Hi again

Where Should you buy your PC games?

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Well i asked myself that question alot, what should my priorties be, when to find a place to buy games.

In this post i will tell what sites i use to buy them, and i will also show you a couple, of other sites, you could use to buy those games.

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How did my Copenhagen X Wing Regionals Go

Hi All

Finally i had some time to sit down, and write about how i did to the Copenhagen Regionals, in Star Wars X-Wing miniatures.

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X wing CPH Regional Winner Kristofer Bengtsson

Expectations for CPH Regional – a Player’s Point-of-view

Vince Kingston (TO in the copenhagen Regionals With the Winner Kristofer Bengtsson)

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My Expectations for the Upcoming X wing CPH regionals.

HI all

This weekend i will be going to the CPH regionals, which will be my 3rd regional since i started playing Star Wars X wing, and I am looking forward to it, there will be 63 or 64 players, so it is basically full and sold out tournament, which is always the best way to play tournaments, IF there is a full house, which also mean your chances of meeting players you haven’t played before are bigger, which i really like.

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Angry Birds The movie


So my girlfriend and I plus a friend, chose to watch Angry Birds The movie Yesterday, and i was somewhat surprised at what it had to offer, and now the day after i have the Angry bird theme running around my head not leaving.

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