Complete inventory list for MoM 2nd Edition: Expansion Beyond The Threshold
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This list is a continuation of the list i made for the Core game of Mansion of Madness 2nd edition. As I felt i could not do the one without the other. So hopefully this will be just as big a success as the core game post.
Beyond the Threshold List
- 2 Investigators.
- 8 Common Items.
- 1 Unique item.
- 9 Condition Cards.
- 10 Spell Cards.
- 4 Damage Cards.
- 4 Horror Cards.
This was the list of cards in this expansion, But you will also get the following when purchasing Beyond The Threshold
- 6 Map Tiles
- 16 Fire/Darkness Tokens
- 4 Monster Tokens and Matching Figures.
- 7 Person Tokens
- 10 Clue Tokens
- 4 Key Tokens
- 2 Wall Tokens
You can buy this expansion in Denmark here*.
Here we are with a bunch of new investigators that will join in the investigations around arkham and other scary places.These investigators got a backstory on the other side of the Card. And if you want to read that you will need to purchase the game from your local retailer.
Akachi Onyele: The Shaman
Investigator Ability:
Effect cannot cause you to discard Clues unless you choose to.
Wilson Richards: The handyman
Investigator Ability:
After you resolve a horror check, become focused.
Common items
This Catagory Contains the most common items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognised by the card back as shown below a closed backpack. And there is 8 Cards from the expansion Beyond the Threshold in this Catagory
.25 Automatic
This is a firearm use it to bring evil to the evil and bring down the monsters.
The card reads the following.
You may convert an focus (Magnifying Glass) to a success (Star) while attacking with this card.
Use this to sap your enemies make their lights go out.
The card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon
“Non-violent measures? Tetsuo you have a lot to learn about arkham.”
—– Deputy Dingby
Enchanted Blade
Thrust this enchanted blade into your foes it cuts through most things.
The card reads the following.
Bladed Weapon.
“I would draw no swords buit what are sanctified.”
—- William Yorrick
Fine Clothes.
Get ready to join the party with this set of fine clothes.
The card reads the following.
Roll 1additionl die while resolving an Influence (shaking hands) test.
Need to clean shaved when fighting monster, this is your weapon of choice.
The card reads the following.
Bladed Weapon
You may suffer 1 facedown Damage to convert an Focus (Magnifying Glass) to a succes (Star) while attacking with this card.
Scribes Journal
You need something to read? then go for it. Pick it up i dare you.
The card reads the following.
Effects cannot cause you to discard your Clues unless you choose to.
Tome of horrors
Read this if you aint afraid of horror.
The card reads the following.
When you suffer 1 or more Horror while resolving a horror check, gain 1 Clue.
Tome of secrets
You like a little secret dont you? Read the book!
The card reads the following.
You may become Mesmerized to convert all Focus(Magnifying Glass) to Success (Stars) while resolving a test.
Unique Items
This Catagory Contains the Unique items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognized by the card back as shown below a fancy lockbox. And there is 1 Card from the Beyond the Threshold Expansion set in this Catagory
Cultists Journal
Hey what you have found there could be evidence.
The card reads the following.
Evidence, Tome
This journal describes the crime in brutal detail.
Condition Cards
These Are cards that is given to an investigator when under the influence of a certain condition, there is 9 cards total in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Beyond the Threshold expansion pack and they will have this card back a greenish back with some art .
bla bla bla bla blu blu.
There are 4 insanity cards in the Beyond the Threshold expansion.
(at the back of these card you will find that your winning or loosing condition is changed)
This card reads the following.
Look at the back of this card but do not reveal it to the other investigators.
When you have suffered horror equal to your sanity you are eliminated.
Uuhh oohh i dont feel so mental good right now.
You will find 5 mesmerized card in the Beyond the Threshold expansion
(At the back of these cards you will find the effects of mesmerized)
The card reads the following.
At the end of your turn, an alien will takes control. flip this card.
Spell Cards
These Cards are spell cards, spell which you will get during a game of Mansion of Madness 2nd edition, or even before a game starts, they have numerous effects on the back side of the cards, when ever you cast them it will have consequences for your investigators. you will find a total of 10 Cards 5 of each spell, in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Beyond the Threshold expansion. And you will find that spell cards are numbered on the flip side.
Arcane Insight
Ive got an insight you will never have.
The card reads the following.
Action: You or another investigator within range gains 1 Clue. Then flip this card.
Poison Mist.
gaaah i cant breathe, the mist is so thick.
The card reads the following.
You can attack a monster in an adjacent space with this card.
(here i think is missing then flip this card)
Damage Cards
These cards is the Damage of the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Beyond the Threshold Expansion, when ever you take damage you take a number of cards equal to the Damage dealt to you, with the backside up, a backside that looks like this, if you get a critical hit you will flip the card over and you will get one of the crits below.
The Damage deck contains 4 cards in this expansion. Just add them to your main deck.
Aaauuuchhh my body hurts all over.
The card reads the following.
“Bruises mottle your body, tender and aching at he slightest touch,”
Keep faceup
You cannot move a barricade
Head Trauma
My head got banged up.
The card reads the following.
“Your thoughts spin out of your control, knocked loose by the latests blows.”
Resolve Immediately
Become mesmerized.
Then flip this card facedown.
Minor Injury
Nothing serious.
This card reads the following.
Only a flesh wound
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect.
Flip this card facedown.
Painful Clarity
I know it hurts but why i am thinking clearly
The card reads the following.
“The pain cuts through your muddled thoughts allowing you to see the solution clearly.”
Resolve Immediately
Gain 1 Clue.
Then flip this card facedown.
Horror Cards
This is the Core sets Horror cards, these are Horror you get if your investigator is experiencing something horrific in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game, and you will get to use these I will promise you.
You will find 4 Horror cards in the Beyond the Threshold expansion and the cards below is the faceup versions you can get in the game.
Minor Shock
You startled me a bit there.
This card reads the following.
Ah! Your heart races, and your breath catches in your throat.
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect.
Flip this card facedown.
Addrrr dont you like blood either ?
The card reads the following.
“even the sight of blood turns your stomach.”
Keep Faceup
After you perform an attack action, flip 1 horror faceup.
Terrible Truths
oooohhh i did not know that about this thing.
The card reads the following.
“The horrifying things that flash through your mind can be put to good use.”
Resolve Immediately
Gain 1 Clue.
Then flip this card facedown.
Yes master i will listen to you.
The card reads the following.
“You feel something sinister take root within your mind.”
Resolve Immediately
Become mesmerized
Then flip this card facedown.
So this was the last entry in this post, The first of the expansion packs Beyond the Threshold
You can also buy the expansion at Fantasyflightsgames own webshop right here*
And from another danish webshop called Faraos cigarer or in their physical shop in Copenhagen or Lyngby*
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