Why a complete inventory list
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So i decided to make a complete inventory list for Mansion Of Madness, the idea came after my Girlfriend had lost a card from the game, and we searched the internet, googled alot, and did not find anything i could use, no full list of cards and what they do. so i decided to make one.
The Mansion of Madness Core Game List.
- 8 Investigators
- 40 Common items
- 24 Unique Items
- 37 Condition Cards
- 30 Spell Cards
- 40 Damage Cards
- 40 Horror Cards
This was the list of cards you will also get the following in the Mansion of Madness 2nd Edition Core set.
- 24 Map Tiles
- 16 Search/Interact Tokens
- 16 Explore/sight Tokens
- 22 Person Tokens
- 4 Barricade Tokens
- 4 Secret Passage Tokens
- 18 Fire/Darkness Tokens
- 8 Wall Tokens
- 8 Door Tokens
- 6 ID tokens for monster Recognition
- 26 Clue Tokens
- 24 Monster Tokens and Matching miniatures
- 5 Dices
- 1 Rules reference
- 1 Learn to play
- 1 1st edition conversion kit
You can Buy it in denmark here.*
These are the Investigators in Mansion of Madness which you get in the core game set from fantasyflight games. these investigators each got a story which you will find on the backside of the card, and you will ofc need to purchase the game at your local store to play it.
Agatha Crane: The Parapsychologist
Investigator ability:
After you resolve a horror check, gain 1 Clue
Carson Sinclair: The Butler
Investigator ability:
ACTION: Another investigator within range may perform 1 action. Activate this ability only once per round.
Father Mateo: The Priest
Investigator ability:
ACTION: Another investigator within range becomes Focused. Activate this ability only once per round.
Minh Thi Phan: The secretary
Investigator ability:
Once per round, you or another investigator within range may reroll 1 die while resolving a test.
Preston Fairmont: The Millionaire
Investigator ability:
Once per round, when you gain an item, you may flip 1 Horror facedown or discard 1 facedown Horror.
Rita Young: The Athlete
Investigator ability:
You may move 1 additional space as part of a move action.
Wendy Adams: The Urchin
Investigator ability:
You cannot become Stunned or Retrained
William Yorick: The Gravedigger
investigator ability:
Whenever a monster is defeated, gain 1 Clue
Common Items
This Catagory Contains the most common items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognised by the card back as shown below a closed backpack. And there is 40 Cards from the Core set in this Catagory
.18 Derringer
This is a firearm weapon doing 2 damage. Shoot at the monster to bring them down.
The card reads the following.
No gal should be out on the town without a bit of protection
.38 Revolver
This is a firearm weapon Doing 3 Damage. Shoot at the monsters to bring them down.
The Card reads the following.
A trusty service piece for any member of the armed forces
.45 Automatic
This is a firearm weapon doing 4 Damage. Shoot at the monsters to bring them down.
The Card reads the following.
Being a detective can be a dangerous career, but these babies will see you through.
2 x 4
The 2 X 4 is a Heavy weapon doing 2 damage, a big plank you can hit the monsters with, the following text is on the card.
ACTION: You brace the door with the board. Flip this card and place it against a door to your space.
this is the flipped over 2 X 4 card. With the following text
The door is reinforced with the board
Treat this Card as a barricade that blocks the door it is placed against.
When an investigator picks up this card or moves this card away from the door it blocks, flip this card.
Arcane Manuscript
This is a piece of equipment where you will gain a bonus as long as you carry this arcane manuscript
The card reads the following.
Roll 1 additional die while resolving a lore (the little book) test.
This is a heavy weapon doing 2 damage if you hit a monster
The card reads the following.
Heavy weapon
You may suffer 2 facedown horror to convert all focus(Magnifying glasses) into successes (Stars) while attacing with this card
This is bandages heal your friends or yourself
The card reads the following.
ACTION: Discard up to 2 facedown damage. Then discard this card
Brass knuckles
This is a melee weapon which is used to gain bonus in combat
The card reads the following
Roll 2 additional dice while attacking unarmed.
Bullseye lantern
Use this to light up your way around in the dark.
The card reads the following.
Light source
ACTION: Another investigator within range becomes dazed.
Candles can light your way.
The card reads the following
Light Source
You may discard this card to convert all focuses (magnifying glasses) to successes (stars) while casting a spell
Carbine Rifle
A dangerous weapon which you can kill monsters with doing 5 damage if you hit
The card reads the following.
You cannot attack a monster in your space with this card
A standard crowbar can hit hard with 2 damage
The card read the following
Heavy weapon
A hefty tool for getting the job done right
BOOM says the dynamite
The card reads the following
ACTION: You light the fuse and toss the explosive, Flip this card and place it in a space within range.
This is the flipped over dynamite card
The card reads the following.
The fuse is only so long. It would be wise to run
At the end of the investigator phase, each investigator in this space or and adjacent space suffers 8 damage, and each monster in those spaces suffers 10 damage. Then discard this card.
Elder sign Pendant
This a necklace with a elder sign in it.
This card reads the following
Roll 1 additional die while evading a monster
Elder ward
This is a warding sign.
This card reads the following.
Roll 1 additional die while a monster is attacking you
Fire Extinguisher
This is a way to put out fire that is started in the game. and to smack the monsters in the head with a fire exstinguisher.
This card reads the following
Heavy Weapon
ACTION: Discard all Fire in your space and adjacent spaces.
Flare Gun
This is a flare gun. to set fire on things.
This card reads the following
ACTION: Place Fire in a space within range. Each monster in that space suffers 2 damage. Then flip this card
The flip side of the Flare Gun card
This card reads the following.
You have only one more shell remaining. You had better make it count.
ACTION: Place Fire in a space within range. Each monster in that space suffers 2 damage. Then discard this card.
Holy Cross
This is a standard very pretty Holy Cross.
This card reads the following
Roll 1 additional die while resolving a Willpower (the little head icon) test
Holy Water
This is a flask of Holy Water
This card reads the following.
ACTION: Discard 1 horror and become focused. Then discard this card.
Kerosene Lantern
This is a kerosene lantern “Uuhh The smell of kerosene in the evening.”
This card reads the following.
Light Source
You may discard this card to convert focuses (magnifying glasses) to successes (stars) while attacking unarmed.
King James Bible
This is a bible which belonged to king james “says so on the card”
This card reads the following
ACTION: You or another investigator within range may discard 1 facedown Horror
This is a sharp knife “stab monsters, i DARE you”
This card reads the following
Bladed Weapon
It can cut many things, including monsters.
Lead Pipe
This is a lead pipe, “what you think it is for?”
This card reads the following.
Heavy weapon
“a bloodied pipe was found at the scene of the crime. The cause of death is still unknown.”
-Deputy Dingby
Lucky Cigarette Case
This is a place to put cigarettes “choking hazard”
This card reads the following.
Once per round, you may convert an Focus (the magnifying glass) to a success (Star).
Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
This is a tiny rabbit’s foot “who killed it?”
This card reads the following.
Once per round you may reroll 1 die.
“That is not a knife. This is a knife”
The card reads the following.
Bladed weapon
Although more commonly used as a tool for cutting vegetation, it will do well against the horrors you now face.
Magnifying Glass
“you can use it to burn ant’s”
This card reads the following.
Roll 1 additional die while resolving an Observation (Eye) test.
Meat Cleaver
Ever been to a butchers shop ?
This card reads the following.
Bladed Weapon
You may suffer 2 facedown Horror to convert all focuses (magnifying Glass) to successes (Star) while attacking with this card.
Medical Textbook
Ever wanted to learn about medical stuff ?
This card reads the following.
ACTION: You or another investigator within range may discard 1 facedown damage.
This is a pointy weapon
This card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon
With a single hard swing, the tool’s head pierces deeply into even the hardest materials.
Pocket watch
This is just a watch to have in your pocket
This card reads the following
You may perform 1 additional puzzlestep while attempting a puzzle
Ritual Dagger
A nifty dagger for rituals want to try it?
The card reads the following
Bladed Weapon
Roll 1 additional die while casting a spell.
Drugs are dangerous but to be sedates is sooo relaxing.
This card reads the following.
At the start of your turn, you may discard 3 Damage card and 3 Horror. If you do, discard this cad and end your turn.
This is a close encounter weapon
This card reads the following.
You cannot attack a monster that is more than 1 space away with this card.
Go dig yourself a hole, or hit some monsters
This card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon
Digging holes is just one of its many uses
Big bad heavy hitting sledgehammer
This card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon
You may suffer two facedown damage to convert all Focuses (Magnifying glasses) to stars (Successes) while attacking with this card.
Tommy Gun
Is this Tommy’s Gun ?
This card reads the following.
Once per round, you may reroll all of your dice while attacking with this card.
Want to set stuff on fire, this is your thing
This card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon, Light Source
When an investigator drops this card, place a Fire in this space.
Whiskey and Broken Bottle
Drink it to relase yourself from the Horror.
This card reads the following.
ACTION: Discard up to 2 facedown Horror. Then flip this card.
The flip side of a whiskey Bottle a Broken Bottle
This card reads the following.
You smash the bottle. It is crude, but it will make a good enough weapon if you get into trouble.
Treat this card as a Bladed Weapon.
A tool for cars ?
This card reads the following.
Heavy weapon
“arkham’s got a lot o’ problems. I’m here ta fix ‘um.”
–Wilson Richards
Unique Items
This Catagory Contains the Unique items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognized by the card back as shown below a fancy lockbox. And there is 24 Cards from the Core set in this Catagory
Brass Key
A plain Brass key, yes it is nothing special !
This Card Reads The following.
As you hold the key, you look around for a matching doorknob or padlock
Circumstantial Evidence
Uuh Look what i have found over here.
This card Reads the following.
Just a bit more and this case i closed
Conclusive Evidence
Evidence you say ?
This card reads the following.
Irrefutable prrof of the culprit’s involvement
Cult Sigil
This key might be evidence.
This card reads the following.
Evidence, Key
This token serves as proof of membership for a cult.
Woof Woof i can get that item for Ya.
This card reads the following
At the start of your turn, you may perform a trade action as if you are in any space within range.
Flux Stabilizer
Uuhh Shooocking
This card reads the following.
At the start of your turn, move a monster within range up to 1 space.
Forensic Evidence
Did you get that autopsy report before we entered ?
This card reads the following.
Proof of the victim’s identification
Gold Key
I like gold.
This card reads the following.
The intricate etched pattern on the key’s neck indicates it belongs to an equally fancy lock.
Grotesque Stone
That is ugly
There is 5 of these in the game core set
This card reads the following.
Thousands of years seem to be recorded in this statue’s dim and greenish surface of unrecognizable stone
that is kinky!
This card reads the following.
ACTION: You attempt to handcuff the suspect (Agility(wings); 2 ).
If you pass, flip this card and give it to another investigator in your space.
The flip side of the handcuffs.
This card reads the following.
You struggle against the handcuffs to no effect. You will have to pick the lock.
You cannot spend clues to convert dice results or perform additional puzzle steps.
This card cannot be traded.
ACTION: You attempt to pick the lock(observation(Eye); 2). If you pass, you manage to escape your bonds; flip this card. Any investigator in this space can perform this action.
Incriminating Evidence
We are close with this evidence.
This card reads the following.
You thought the man seemed suspiciou, but here is the proof.
Missing Link
Something is missing here ?
This card reads the following.
With this, everything falls into place.
Oil Lamp
If i rub it do i get a genie and three wishes ?
This card reads the following.
Light source
The flame produced by the lamp is so beautiful that you begin to wish you could see it everywhere you look.
Old Keys
These are rusty.
This card reads the following.
The clinking of the keys echoes through the quiet night, You fear the sound might draw unwanted attention.
Old Journal
this is some old booklet.
This card reads the following.
This journal entry in the culprit’s own handwriting is practically a confession.
Photographic Evidence
someone to a picture.
This card reads the following.
The proof can be seen clear as day.
Puzzle Box
Lets do a puzzle
This card reads the following.
The intricate patterns seem to shift and change as you move the panels. You cannot imagine what prize awaits you.
Ritual Components
Someone performed a ritual here.
This card reads the following.
A collection of eerie objects to be used for some heinous ritual.
Should we tie someone up?
This card reads the following.
ACTION: You attempt to restrain the suspect (strength; 2). If you pass, flip this card and give it to another investigator in your space.
This is the flipside of a Rope card.
This card reads the following.
You struggle against your bonds, but the rope is too sturdy to break.
You cannot move voluntarily.
This card cannot be dropped or traded.
ACTION: You attempt to slip your bonds (agility; 2). If you pass, you manage to escape; flip sthis card. Any investigator in this space can perform this action.
Silver Key
Shiny silver key.
This card reads the following.
Yog-Sothoth is the gate.
Yog-Sothoth is the key and
the guardian of the gate.
Condition Cards
These Are cards that is given to an investigator when under the influence of a certain condition, there is 37 cards total in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Core set of the game and they will have this card back a greenish back with some art .
wow i feel wooozy.
There are 5 Dazed card in the core set.
This card reads the following.
You cannot spend Clues to convert dice results or perform additional puzzle steps.
At the end of your turn, discard this card
Step up and focus.
There are 5 Focused cards in the core set
This card reads the following.
You may discard this card to convert all Clues to Successes while resolving a test.
bla bla bla bla blu blu.
There are 12 insane cards in the core set.
(at the back of these card you will find that your winning or loosing condition is changed)
This card reads the following.
Look at the back of this card but do not reveal it to the other investigators.
When you have suffered horror equal to your sanity you are eliminated.
Arrrgggh I cannot move. or can I ?
There is 5 Restrained cards in the core set
This card reads the following.
You cannot move voluntarily.
At the end of your turn discard this card.
I cannot do anything !
There are 5 Stunned cards in the core set
This card reads the following.
You cannot perfom more than a single action during your turn.
At the end of your turn discard this card.
I am hurt, MEDIC!
There are 5 Wounded cards in the core set.
This card reads the following.
You cannot perform the move action more than once each round.
When you have suffered Damage equal to your health you are eliminated.
Spell Cards
These Cards are spell cards, spell which you will get during a game of Mansion of Madness 2nd edition, or even before a game starts, they have numerous effects on the back side of the cards, when ever you cast them it will have consequences for your investigators. you will find a total of 30 Cards 5 of each spell, in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition core set. And you will find that spell cards are numbered on the flip side.
Feed the Mind
My mind is hungry it needs to feed.
This card reads the following.
ACTION: You or another investigator within range become Focused. Then flip this card.
Flesh Ward
I need to guard my flesh.
This card reads the following.
ACTION: You or another investigator within range discard 1 damage. Then flip this card.
Instill Bravery
You should be brave my young soul.
This card reads the following.
ACTION: You or another investigator within range discard 1 horror. Then flip this card.
Uuuh this spell shoots.
This card reads the following.
Speaking the arcane words causes boils and burns to appear on your enemy’s flesh
Am i withering ?
This card reads the following.
As the spell takes effect, the victim’s body withers and mummifies.
we will we will Wrack you.
This card reads the following.
The words of the incantation cause intense, wracking pain to tear your enemy’s body
Damage Cards
These cards is the Damage of the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game, when ever you take damage you take a number of cards equal to the Damage dealt to you, with the backside up, a backside that looks like this, if you get a critical hit you will flip the card over and you will get one of the crits below.
The Damage deck contains 40 cards
Back Spasm
Auch my back hurts.
This card reads the following.
You clutch at your back as your muscles revolt, forgetting your possessions for the moment.
Resolve Immediately
Drop 1 random item.
Then flip this card facedown.
Blow to the Head
Bang in the head.
This card reads the following.
Your vision swims with pulsing, painful light.
Resolve immediately
Become Dazed.
Then flip this card facedown.
Broken Arm
My arm did go boom
This card reads the following.
Your arm is useless and every movement sends needles of pain down your side.
Keep Faceup
If you ever have more than 2 items, drop all but 2 of your items.
Broken Leg
My leg did go ouch.
This card reads the following.
You fall as pain lances up your leg. When you try to stand, you fall all over again.
Keep Faceup
If you move more than a single space as part of a move action, flip 1 Damage faceup.
im a bit woooozy
This card reads the following.
Your head feels clouded, as if your thoughts swim through a fog.
Resolve Immediately
Discard 1 Clue.
Then flip this card facedown.
Demoralizing Injury
I really have to gururrlgl
This card reads the following.
You gag at the scent of your own blood.
Resolve Immediately
Suffer 1 additional facedown Horror.
Then flip this card facedown.
Iiiiimm a mutant arrgh!
This card reads the following.
You cannot bring yourself to look in a mirror. The look on people’s faces tells you all you need to know.
Keep Faceup
Roll 1 fewer die while resolving an Influence test.
Grievous Injury
Im Hurt Im hurt HELP!
This card reads the following.
The pain clouds your vision and sends you staggering.
Resolve Immediately
Suffer 1 additional facedown Damage.
Then flip this card facedown.
Grim Resolve
I can and i will fight through this.
This card reads the following.
The injury is serious, but you will not allow it to slow you down. The stakes are too high for that.
Resolve Immediately
Become Focused.
Then flip this card facedown.
Gut Shot
Ouch right in my gut.!
This card reads the following.
All the breath leaves your body in a whoosh as the blow catches you in the stomach. You weeze and gasp for air.
Resolve Immediately
Become Stunned
Then discard this card.
Just a Scratch
It is only a flesh wound!
This card reads the following.
You thought the wound was much deeper than it is.
Resolve immediately
No effect. Discard this card.
Lasting Injury
This will continue bleeding.
This card reads the following.
Blood oozes from the wound and trickles down your arm, no matter what you do.
Keep Faceup
No effect, keep this card faceup.
im dizzy
This card reads the following.
Your vision swims. You worry that you are hurt much worse than it appears.
Resolve Immediately
Flip 1 Horror faceup
Then flip this card facedown
Minor Injury
Nothing serious.
This card reads the following.
Only a flesh wound
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect.
Flip this card facedown.
Muscle Tear
Ouch my muscle is teared apart.
This card reads the following.
When you stand still, the pain is a dull throb. When you move, it is sharp agony
Keep Faceup
Roll 1 fewer die while resolving a strenght test.
Old Injuries
I got these old injuries.
This card reads the following.
You avoid the worst of it, but you aggravate an older injury.
Resolve Immediately
Flip 1 other Damage faceup.
Then discard this card.
Ruptured Eardrum
My Ear Hurts.
This card reads the following.
After the splitting pain and partial deafness, you find that your balance is off.
Keep Faceup
Roll 1 fewer die while resolving an agility test.
Stinging Pain
The pain, The pain it stings.
This card reads the following.
You pull your hand back from the pain, shaking and clenching your teeth. You drop whatever you were holding.
Resolve Immediately
Drop 2 random Items.
Then flip this card facedown.
Twisted Ankle
is my ankle supposed to do that ?
This card reads the following.
You fall, clutching your ankle and hissing in pain. You are not certain you can stand.
Resolve Immediately
Become Restrained.
Then discard this card.
Horror Cards
This is the Core sets Horror cards, these are Horror you get if your investigator is experiencing something horrific in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game, and you will get to use these I will promise you.
You will find 40 Horror cards in the game and the cards below is the faceup versions you can get in the game.
Absolute Terror
Im afraid now.
This card reads the following.
You make a very small noise somewhere in the back of your throat. You find that you are weeping, silently
Resolve Immediately
Suffer 1 additional facedown Horror.
Then flip this card facedown.
This card reads the following
You cannot seem to put the letters or numbers in their proper order. You know you had this skill once, but it has deserted you.
Keep Faceup
Roll one fewer die while resolving a Lore test.
Is it me or are this room VERY small.
This card reads the following.
It is too close in here, too tight. You cannot breathe. You must get to open air.
Keep Faceup
Whenever you end your turn within range of 2 or fewer spaces suffer 1 facedown Horror.
Cower in Fear
Are you afraid are you.
This card reads the following.
You scramble into a corner and hide there, just for a little while.
Resolve Immediately
Become Stunned.
Then discard this card.
What did you say, i cant remember.
This card reads the following.
You turn away, already feeling the fog of memory clouding your mind. It is a mercy, truly.
Resolve Immediately
Discard 1 Clue.
Then flip this card facedown.
Woaa which way are we going.
This card reads the following.
Your wits desert you, leaving you mumbling and uncertain. How could what you have just seen be real?
Resolve Immediately
Become Dazed
Then flip this card facedown
Did i not just see that.
This card reads the following.
Recent memories claw their way to the surface, despite your best efforts.
Resolve Immediately
Flip 1 other Horror faceup.
Then discard this card.
Frayed Nerves
Uuhh my nerves is, they really are.
This card reads the following.
You breathe deeply, but it fails to restore your calm. You feel as if the slightest thing will push you over the edge.
Keep Faceup
Roll 1 fewer die while resolving a will test.
Did you see that right there.
This card reads the following.
Everywhere you look you see horrible shadows or ghosts from your past. You cannot bear to look any longer.
Keep Faceup
Roll 1 fewer die while resolving an observation test
Horrific Arcana
Wait what.. WHAT?
This card reads the following.
You whimper as your mind rejects the impossible.
Resolve Immediately
Suffer 1 additional facedown horror for each spell you have.
Then flip this card facedown.
Im Not a crybaby waaaaaaa.
This card reads the following.
You scream, and scream, and scream. You slap yourself as hard as you can, hoping to break the cycle.
Resolve Immediately
Flip 1 Damage faceup.
Then flip this card facedown
I did not steal that, OR that.
This card reads the following.
You do not understand why you need to keep stealing things, but you cannot help yourself.
Keep Faceup
Thenever you end your turn in a space with another investigator, take 1 Item at random from another investigator in your space.
Minor shock
You startled me a bit there.
This card reads the following.
Ah! Your heart races, and your breath catches in your throat.
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect.
Flip this card facedown.
You sure its safe in the darkness, there might be monsters.
This card reads the following.
You are not afraid of the darkness, exactly. But you are afraid of what the darkness might be concealing.
Keep Faceup
Whenever you end your turn in a space with Darkness, suffer 1 facedown Horror.
Aaarrgrgrghhh RUN AWAY aarrggghh
This card reads the following.
You scream, leaping desperately away, and tumble to the ground.
Resolve Immediately
Suffer 1 additional facedown Damage.
Then flip this card facedown.
Is somebody following? Somebody IS following.
This card reads the following.
Every noise makes you startle and jump. Even your companions unnerve you.
Keep Faceup
Whenever you end your turn within range of another investigator, flip 1 Horror faceup.
Shrieking Fit
Aiiiii arrrgghgh im so sad.
This card reads the following.
You scream and scream and scream, and then you cry and cry, and then giggle, and then hicough.
Resolve Immediately
Become Restrained.
Then discard this card.
Woooaaa that picture did move.
This card reads the following.
You stagger backward in alarm.
Resolve Immediately
No effect. Discard this card.
Steely Resolve
I can do this, I can do this.
This card reads the following.
You swallow your fear and take a deep breath.
Resolve Immediately
Become Focused.
Then flip this card facedown.
Sudden Shock
NOW THAT was a suprise.
Gasping in surprise and fear, you clutch at your face, forgetting for a moment what you had been holding only seconds before.
Resolve Immediately
Drop 2 random Items.
Then flip this card facedown.
So this was the last entry in this post, i will be posting a list of content in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition expansion packs aswell in near future.
You can also buy the game at Fantasyflightsgames own webshop right here*
And from another danish webshop called Faraos cigarer or in their physical shop in Copenhagen or Lyngby*
And if you want the card for Beyond the Threshold then you can find them here.
Support to keep lindhardgaming.dk going


Nice work, I used it to check my cards. I also found you are missing the Sledgehammer from the common items.
Thanks for the nice words. and thanks for letting me know 🙂 i will put it up ASAP.
Hi The sledgehammer is up and have a WIP on the expansions now 🙂
Thanks for the work! Any chance you have the images in a bit better resolution?
forget about my previous comment they look great!!!!!
Hi! Thanks so much for taking the time to make this page – it saved the game for me and my mates when we couldn’t find the Elder Ward card last Friday. It’s still missing, so I guess I should ask Customer Support to send me a new one.
You are most welcome 🙂
Glad i could be of help 🙂
I am trying to make a custom carrying case for a friend, but I need to need the sizes of the additional items in the second edition. I can ask my friend since its a surprise. Any chance you can add a good picture with all the additional items with a ruler?
I cannot give you a full list of pictures of all items, i can tell how many of each tile there and show one of each Tile size.
Hi, I found your page while i was browsing the internet for my lost cards, and it has been very helpful. Thank you very much. However, if I may request for you to upload the flip side of Insane cards, and all the spell cards like Feed the Mind, Flesh Ward, Instill Bravery, Wither and Wrack as well. I would very much appreciate it. Thanks again.
I am glad that you like my site. I will think about uploading what you are asking 🙂 it depends on my Real life time 🙂
Thank you very much and I know you won’t let me down. Cheers matey!
Thank you for saving me! I am traveling with this game and forgot ALL MY INVESTIGATIORS home. I was devastated that I couldn’t play this but with your page I’m still able to play tonight! I am so eternally thankful for your work.
I am Glad that you could use my site 🙂
Great job thx a lot! I bought my game second hand and had the bad surprise to receive it without the 40 damage and 40 horror cards so thx to ou I’ll be able to redo them on homemade cards.
One question though, you have scanned only 19 damage and 20 horror cards. I suppose there should be 2 of each that you scanned?
Yeah i have only scanned one if there were more 🙂
Here i am answering my own question 🙂
Great work putting this together.
Does anyone know how many of each of the damage cards there’s supposed to be? Bought a box second hand and only received 39 damage cards.. all the types are there but not sure which one might be missing.
Thank you .. you should maybe be able to find the answer on http://www.Boardgamegeek.com 🙂